
Brushing for Brace Wearers Wickford, Essex

Call us 01268 761638


Brushing for Brace Wearers and Healthy Mouth Advice

A good technique will take 2 minutes.

  • Brush your teeth twice a day, three times if you have a fixed brace.
  • Spend 2-3 minutes brushing, 3-5 minutes if you have a fixed brace.
  • Use a timer or listen to your favourite song to make sure you are spending the right amount of time brushing.
  • Brush in big circles, starting one side first and working your way round to the other side, top and bottom.
  • Remember to clean behind your teeth as well as the front.
  • Use an 'inter-space' toothbrush to get to all the smaller areas and around the brackets, under the wire if you have a fixed brace.
  • Use disclosing tablets regularly after brushing so you can see any plaque you may have missed (see instructions for use).
  • Use a fluoride (alcohol free) mouthwash in the evening after brushing; this will help prevent tooth decay.
  • Change your toothbrush every 3 months.
  • Visit your regular dentist for check ups.
  • Cut down on all sugary drinks and snacks.

Keeping Your Teeth & Gums Healthy Good Eating Habits

Good Eating Habits

Eating a healthy and balanced diet is a really important part of looking after yourself. During your orthodontic treatment its especially important to keep your teeth healthy as well as taking special care to avoid damaging your brace.

Here's a few tips

  • Cut down on sugary and fizzy drinks, even the diet varieties.
  • Limit fruit juice to one glass a day with a meal.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep you hydrated.
  • Eat a balanced diet and lots of fruit and vegetables.
  • Avoid toffees, hard sweets, chocolate and chewing gum.
  • If you are eating anything hard which could potentially damage your brace, cut it up into smaller pieces.


Cleaning your teeth and gums becomes more difficult when wearing a brace that's why it's really important to have a good cleaning regime.

Here's a few tips

  • After each meal thoroughly clean the brace, teeth and gums to avoid gum disease and tooth decay.
  • Use an interdental; brush as instructed by the orthodontist and don't forget to pay particular attention along the gums. After cleaning inspect your teeth to make sure all food partials have been removed. Use a fluoride mouth-rinse daily, floss between the teeth and use an interdental brush.
  • To help check if you are cleaning properly use disclosing tablets to show up any areas you have missed.